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Should You Have Joint or Separate Bank Accounts?

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“What’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is yours.” But is that always the best approach when it comes to sharing your personal finances with your spouse? The experts say there are times when it is a good idea for married couples to combine their personal finances, and other times when that might not be the best idea.

The choice to have joint or separate bank accounts has pros and cons. It will largely depend on your personal circumstances and relative incomes. Here is a broad look at the pluses and minuses of joint versus separate banking accounts for couples.

Having Joint Accounts

There are three definitive “pros” for couples to open and maintain a joint checking account:

Keeping Separate Accounts

However, there can also be some advantages for couples to keep separate individual bank accounts.

Separate accounts:

So What Should You Do?

It is not a clear-cut choice, and both separate and joint accounts can have advantages. That is why most financial experts suggest not to choose one or the other. The best “financial harmony” in a marriage is often accomplished when couples use both strategies. In other words, have a joint checking account for common household expenses and family emergencies. And keep separate accounts for a sense of freedom and financial autonomy.

The real key is to be open and honest about finances, and make all major financial decisions together.

Do you and your spouse have separate or joint bank accounts?